We understand that many people find prospecting for and closing sales very hard work. Research shows that only about 20% of sales people are fully effective when prospecting. With over 20 years experience and 50,000+ Sales Preference Questionnaires (SPQ*Gold®)Assessments to our name, we are the Australian market leader in understanding sales hesitation and behaviour. We use this Assessment to provide insight into our training in areas of sales prospecting skills, overcoming the fear of prospecting, Sales Call Reluctance® and sales hesitations.
The fear of prospecting can cost you and your organisation an average of 15 new units of business per month per sales person. That is a lot of missed sales revenue. We can help you estimate the cost of hesitation that exists in your organisation and show you how to win back those missed sales opportunities. The good news is you can diagnose and overcome your prospecting fears and sales hesitations.
Assess your fear of prospecting
The fear of prospecting, Sales Call Reluctance® and sales hesitation can be measured using the SPQ*GOLD® questionnaire, an online Assessment. The SPQ*GOLD® measures the prospecting fitness of people in sales, sales leaders and customer contact careers. The SPQ*GOLD® is an attitude and activity based questionnaire that gives an objective measurement regarding Call Reluctance® and sales hesitation, an individual’s hesitance to prospect and self-promote for new business. SPQ*GOLD® identifies how much initiative, energy and drive an individual devotes to proactive sales prospecting and the amount of energy spent on coping with inhibitors such as fear. It is best suited for anyone responsible for meeting sales and revenue targets whether you call yourself a sales person or not.
The SPQ*GOLD® can be used for recruitment and development purposes:
- Full written reports highlighting individual areas for development
- Individual and team trend summary reports
- Customised action plans for selling skills and behaviour development
- Confidential management and individual feedback of reports
Speak to us about your needs.
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