Sustainable Selling - Not a fixed state
Sustainable Selling is not a fixed state of harmony but rather an evolving process in which the application of sales resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are balanced with future as well as present needs.
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Sales Philosophy
Everybody lives by selling something -- At Barrett, we know this to be true. Whether we call ourselves a salesperson or not, if we have an idea, product, service, skill, talent, or opportunity that we can offer to other people, we need to be able to sell.
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The new competition. The nice word we have all come to know; collaboration, will over the coming years become the new competition.
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We are a Melbourne-based Business Consultancy Firm started in 1995.

Barrett is not just a sales training provider – we are an end-to-end (sales) consulting practice with a prominent reputation in the Australian market as trusted experts, a coaching (sales coaching) firm and advisors in creating high performing, sustainable people and teams.

Thought Leaders

Thought Leaders in 21st century sales trainingsales coachingsales consultingsales coaching, sales capability and sales culture we are your first and best reference when it comes to forging out a successful career as a competent sales professional.

Thought leaders

The Technical Arm

Barrett Research was born out of Barrett Pty Ltd which has been creating a wide range of training programs, online training and modules, processes, tools, questionnaires, and practical resources for sales and service people and managers since 1995.

Using world’s best practice we conduct Australian based research and cross reference this with the latest international research on sales, service, management, team and workplace performance in relation to all of our tools, processes and programs.

Our Vision: To produce and provide access to Best Practice 21st Century Sales Methodologies, Tools, Processes, Courseware and Transformation Technologies to positively transform the way Sales Mastery is selected for, taught, developed, measured and managed in 50,000 organisations by 2020.

Speak to us about your needs.

Talk to us, our advisory team, and we’ll be able to advise you on the best solution for your business.

Barrett Sales Blog

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